Introduction to me!

For this post i've decided to give you an insight into the person behind the blog! 

Let's start off with the basics - My name is Leslie McCue and I just turned the ripe age of 22. I am now in my second year of college studying creative digital media. It is definitely not the most normal start to a new college year since we now have to work online but you have to make the most of it. So far I am loving the course and it is great to be able to trial different aspects of media without being stuck doing one thing in particular. I am still trying to find my feet in terms of what route I would like to go down on but everyday week I am slowly realising what I would like to focus on in this course. 

Looking back on my first year my favourite class would have had to be photography. I didn't think I would like it as much as I did. For one of our projects we had to do a project design shot which I really enjoyed doing and was really proud of the work I produced. Here is a picture of my final shot.

For this semester I am really excited to explore the world of film. This is something I would love to get into and can't wait to try out. For my birthday this year I was kindly gifted a camcorder which I was thrilled with, I haven't put it down since. 

Steering away from college life, here are a few quick facts about me that you may or may not find interesting:

Favourite food - pasta, pasta, pasta!

Favourite book - Normal People by Sally Rooney 

Favourite movie/ show - Intersteller/ Friends 

Favourite Band - Hard to choose between Tame Impala and Arctic Monkeys

One main thing to know about me is that I am extremely indecisive so even thinking of small things that I like takes me a while to narrow down to just one! In terms of hobbies I don't have one in particular that I focus on, I usually jump between different things depending on my mood. I love drawing, I attempt to play the guitar, I love cooking also but the thing I do the most is watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for hours on end! 

Thanks for reading - 



  1. Hi Leslie, Its Ellen :) Your Introduction post was very fun and easy to read. It sums you up perfectly. I also love pasta, who doesn't? I would just like to know why you liked normal people so much? It wasn't because of the beautiful, Gaa player with the chain was it? I am currently reading a Sally Rooney book and it could do with a Connell like character but what can you do. Goodluck with the semester ahead

  2. hi Leslie! it's great to "see" you in year two. i'm also still trying to figure out which aspect of this course i would like to focus on, so you're not alone in that department! i'm glad to hear that you found a love for photography in year one. your product shot is very well made! i hope you have a good semester!!

  3. Hi Leslie, I really liked your introduction blog post. We seem to have a lot in common, my favourite class last year was photography too and I am also very interested in getting into filming too. Your product shot is amazing and looks so professional well done on that! I am currently reading 'normal people' and so far so good. I loved the series so I knew id love the book. Good luck this semester:)

  4. Hey Leslie :) This new way of college life isn't the best but slowly getting there hopefully you're the hang of it too. My favourite class was definitely photography too it was so fun to take different photos. I really thought that was a stock image of Guinness it looks great well done :) My favourite food is also pasta haha.

  5. Hi Leslie, it was nice to read your introduction. It has a nice flow to it and I like that you included an image of your photography product. It looks very cool and realistic. Photography was also my favourite module last year and I enjoyed every class of it. I think it gives a lot of freedom and you can be very creative with it. Goodluck with year 2, I hope you enjoy it too.

  6. Hi Leslie , I really enjoyed reading your blog, the can of Guinness especially caught my eye. I too enjoyed the photography project as it was a cool and new way of taking pictures in a professional manner. I am also in the second year of CDM and I hope to do just as well as yourself! Hope you enjoy the semester !

  7. Hey Leslie, love the final shot you did for photography. That was such an interesting assignment. I was surprised with how enjoyable that module was, definitely showed me how creative everyone can be. Friends is definitely a classic, everyone should watch it at least once. Hope you're finding the year manageable with all of the new restrictions!

  8. Hey Leslie, love your photography image so good ! I agree my favourite class last year was photography as well. I also loved watching the real housewives of Beverly hills over lockdown I had to stop watching it cause I couldn't stop :/. I say I'm the only person in the country who hasn't seen or read normal people. Best of luck with this semester!

  9. Hey Leslie, I'm just gonna start off by saying WOW! your product shot look amazing! I have to agree photography was one of my favorites as well last year even if I wasn't actually any good at it. I'm very similar in the sense I'm very indecisive I don't know what area I wanna go into yet but I know what one's I don't! Hopefully we'll both figure out where we wanna end up. Good luck with the rest of the semester.

  10. Hey Leslie, Really enjoyed reading your blog because it wasn't too long and you got a lot about yourself in their. Your product shot from last year is amazing, looks great. I think that it's great that day by day your thinking about what path you wan to go down, and your making the most out of the current situation we're all in right now, I hope you have a lot of fun learning about filmmaking this semester that's something I'm looking forward to as well, good luck with everything

  11. Hi Leslie, Killian here, I really liked your introduction post, thought it was very interesting and fun, you seemed to have fun with it which is why it turned out so good. Glad you found something that you like, no point in doing something that you do not enjoy. All the best and good luck with the rest of the year.


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