Time Strategies
Time management is going to be extremely important this year. Deadlines can creep up on top of you so easily leaving you panicking and stressed at the last minute. That is something I am definitely going to avoid doing this year.
To help me find a more productive way to use my times and creative a balanced work plan I read these two articles:
- Realistic Study Plans by Amanda Collins
- Time Management Tips Just for Creatives by Amanda Oliver
I found the both of them very insightful and I gained some great tips from reading them. One of the main things I am going to try to do is to make a to-do list before I work and also turn my phone off so I don't get so easily distracted. I find it very hard to sit down at a computer for a long period of time to work before I wander into watching YouTube videos but having a to-do list will help me with this. Having the semester calendar laid out for us is very helpful so I can plan for future weeks ahead if needs be.
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