After reading through what to expect for this semester I am eager to get started! One thing that stood out to me was the option to do tasks for extra credit. I think it is fantastic to have this opportunity and have the choice to do these tasks, especially if you are struggling a certain week and missed out on submitting something you are then able to do some extra credit tasks to make up for the points which eliminates a lot of stress. I personally am intrigued by the growth mindset and H.E.A.R.T options for extra credit, I am looking forward to exploring these more.
I love how everything for this module is laid out very clearly and that we can work ahead if we wanted to. In these particular times there is a lot of stress about working from home but I feel this is the only module that has made me feel at ease in terms of knowing what we are doing and when it has to be done by which is greatly appreciated.
UNITY is a major part of this module and it is something I have never attempted to use before. I am anxious to see the level of difficulty involved in it but I am willing to work the time and effort in to learn.
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