Game Vision Statement
In this blog I will be discussing my vision for my game 'Escape the Mansion'. In this vision statement, I will detail Escape the Mansion's genre, gameplay aspects and resources, and include relevant links and images to help flesh out my plans. I wanted to create a game that had a very simple play style for casual and experienced gamers alike. I didn't want to overcomplicate the game by jam-packing it with features, but to make something anyone could pick up and enjoy. When researching what to do I felt that the best games with simple concepts had a thought-out theme that made the player create the world themselves. The original Mario game had very limited capabilities by today's standard but had the player make up their story for why Mario saves the Princess. I want to try create a similar theme with this game to make the player ask these kind of questions in their head and create the answers - why am I trapped here? Who are my captors? What threat looms around ...